
Group of Playtesters
Playtesting a tabletop board game

At GPI we have partnered with tabletop game publishers to help develop and playtest their newest prototype games. We understand that especially in recent times thanks to the pandemic it is hard to playtest games in person. This is why we are offering various playtesting options! We can help create a Tabletop Simulator, Tabletopia, or Print & Play version of your game depending on your company’s needs. We are also able to plan and run playtests of your games through our playtesting program.

GPI will lead playtests and receive feedback from players on what they like or do not like about your game. We will work with you to see where the focus of each playtests should be or work on the development of the game as well with our in-house development service. Regardless of your needs, we can work to get your game to the table or digital table. And don’t worry about privacy. All playtesters are required to sign NDA’s when agreeing to participate in our playtesting program.

If interested fill out this quick survey by clicking here!

Please contact us for more information.

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