Toy Fair 1978:  A Look Back with Mike

Toy Fair 1978: A Look Back with Mike

Image attributed to Toy Tales. It was 45 years ago, and yes- I was there. Good Lord, I’m turning into an old-timer. At any rate, I was about 16, still in high school and not quite sure what I wanted to study in college. My father thought it would be a good idea to...
November 2022 State of Freight

November 2022 State of Freight

It’s the end-of-year shipping crunch, but it’s feeling a little bit soft. Will we slide into December with barely a ripple?  See what’s happening this month in November’s State of Freight. China Ports Container demand is down as the winter...
GPI Is Making A Game!

GPI Is Making A Game!

This holiday season, GPI will deliver a brand new game to all our partners as a gift (SURPRISE!). GPI has created, developed, designed, and manufactured countless games, so you might ask yourself, “why are they writing about this one?” The answer: because...
The Box Is Now A Billboard

The Box Is Now A Billboard

The Changing Landscape of Game Box Art By Elise Rezendes Note from the editor: For the first time, GPI’s newsletter has a guest writer. I had been wanting to write an article about the beauty of game box art and then had the good fortune to meet Elise when she...